Today I am excited to be contributing to the Law School Transplant's 2011 Literary Year in Review. Erin challenged her readers and friends to pick their top five reads from last year (they didn't have to be newly-published, simply read by the contributor during 2011). Below are my five, but if you're on the hunt for some other good reads, be sure to check out the other contributors' suggestions!
1) The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
Its The Secret Garden all grown up with a delicious mystery spanning three generations. I loved this book so much that I gifted it to multiple friends this past Christmas.
2) Super Natural Every Day by Heidi Swanson
Equal parts eye candy and intellect candy - beautiful, easy, healthy recipes compiled in such a way that you want to sit down and read the whole book. This is the first cookbook I have ever owned that I can truly say I have yet to make a recipe from that wasn't a smash hit! Although the cookbook is vegetarian, many of the recipes are adaptable for those who wish to include meat in their diet.
3) The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
The story of the most influential event of the late 19th century that you've (probably) never heard of. Some will love the American Jack the Ripper angle; others will be amazed at the scale and transience of the Chicago World's Fair - and how many important figures it touched.
4) Half the Sky by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn
If you think feminism has run its useful course, think again. This book gave me plenty of food for thought but, unlike others in its genre, it takes the reader beyond the academic and gives suggestions for actions to take to remedy the atrocities and injustices women continue to face around the world.
5) Under the Chinaberry Tree by Ann Ruethling
Parents and non-parents alike will enjoy these timeless children's book recommendations (who doesn't love to curl up with a picture book from their childhood once in awhile!). I raved about this book when I read it in early 2011, and found myself pulling it out over and over during the year for its wonderful reading and activity suggestions.
I'm still forming my "to read" list for 2012 and I'm always open to thoughtful suggestions!
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Thanks for contributing! It would be boring indeed if my list was the only one that appeared year after year. Can't wait to see what you read this year! :)
ReplyDelete"The Forgotten Garden" sounds *right* up my alley! I loooooooooooooove The Secret Garden!