Sunday, January 13, 2013

Weekend Links

Links and things of late that I love . . . because they tickle the corners of my mouth  . . . or stretch my grey matter . . . or touch my heart . . . or make me want to take that last swig of coffee, get up from the computer, and do something special with my day.

For you:
This article on finding time resonates deeply with my resolutions for the New Year.  I can find the time. For writing.  For what is important.

If you have an inner princess (I do), you'll love this new blog: A Tiara a Day!

Need a good laugh? These differences between first- and second-time mommy-hood are hilarious (if a bit rough around the edges).

The British Library is now on Pinterest!

I thought I knew all there was to know about Downton Abbey - I was wrong!  Also, a Downton funny - Season 3, Episode 1, retold as if it had taken place on Facebook.

For the kids:

Discovery bottles!  Moose loved the the baby ones I did for him, Mouse loves Moose's old ones I recently pulled out, and Moose is having fun rediscovering his old ones.  One of my favorite educational bloggers has a jillion discovery bottle ideas (appropriate for babies through preschoolers): (a-e) (f-j) (sadly, Deborah had to take a hiatus before completing the series, but there's more than enough here for weeks of fun!).

Totally darling {FREE}kiddo thank you printables (since, yes, I'm still that behind from Christmas).

Happy reading!