Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Yarn Along: Christmas Knitting

~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs.  I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? Take a photo and share it either on your blog or on Flickr. Leave a link below to share your photo with the rest of us! 
~Ginny at Small Things

I am in the midst of some Christmas knitting.  Mostly of the hat variety (yes, really).  This Miranda hat is for a friend's daughter.  Although I bought the Cotton Supreme yarn I'm using largely because it was crazy on sale, it has turned out to be crazy soft, too.  Win win!  I'm also modifying my favorite Adventure Hat pattern to make complimenting Christmas hats for Moose and Mouse.

In the interest of full disclosure, I have to admit that before getting a good photo of the hat-in-progress on our Christmas tree, I managed to drop the ball of yarn down through the branches, where it got royally tangled up.  So artsy though it may be, I do not recommend if you are clumsy like me.  Or at least not until you've had a cup of coffee!
I am currently bookless.  Was contemplating starting Life of Pi but now I'm not so sure.  The last week has been emotionally trying (Moose keeping up the tradition of being a jerk on his birthday, stress of Thanksgiving, preparing for Moose's birthday party, and some questionable health news) and I think something lighter may be in order.  Any suggestions?

What are you knitting and reading?  Come join the sharing at Small Things


  1. I hope your questionable health news turns into good news, I'm thinking about you. I can imagine a skein of yarn tumbling down a tree! Yikes! Lovely hat !! I say read a young adult book, they always have happy endings and are "light".

  2. The colour of your hat is super!
    Isn't it amazing what we bloggers will do for the "Perfect" pic? LOL, I usually rope the whole family into helping.

  3. The hat looks wonderful, it really is a very pretty shade of purple. Dropping the yarn down the tree while taking the picture sounds like something I might do... I just bought "Life of Pi" at our library for a quarter (couldn't pass it up at that price) and it's in my book stash. Hope everything works out health wise for you!!

  4. Love the colour and the pattern, gorgeous. Hope the week gets better for you, hugs.

  5. Love that deep plummy color! Your hat came out so nicely.
