{Grown-up fun and food for thought}
Since I was just talking about women, equality, and the importance choice in my Lean In review last week, I thought this article about removing gender labeling at Toys 'R' Us was interesting. And a noble move. Ultimately, I think, only minimal progress can be made until the toy companies are also on board. Also, as much as the all-girl toy store mentioned in the article sounds intriguing, I am always wary of a group that wants total equality AND special, exclusionary perks (I love having gone to a women's college and I firmly believe men should have the same opportunity to pursue a single-sex education if they do choose; sadly, only two all-male schools remain in the US today).
I love writing. For myself. To my kids. To share in this space. But sometimes the desire to write and a free-flowing subject don't quite line up. This list of 88 awesome topics (to blog about) ought to help (but don't you dare call me out if you see one here!). (And I'm really enjoying getting to know the rest of Alexandra's blog, too!)
Need a (virtual) escape? I do (well, I'd rather a real one but my upcoming girls' trip got cancelled!) and loved the few minutes I spent poring over the Hotel Belle's day trip to Sandringham!
{What I'm sharing with my kids this week}
I recently stumbled upon the Let's Explore blog (tagline: Adventures in Playful Family Living) and have been delighted so far from both an inspiration and simplicity standpoint! I love this post on non-toys! And this one on ways to play in September!
Moose is just now learning his letters, but is super keen on it (and holds a pencil beautifully)! I ran across these tips on raising a boy who loves to write and immediately pinned for the not-too-distant future when Moose is really writing.
Mouse received the Family Tree
We love watching tennis at our house and, after his request to play, too, Moose had his first tennis lesson on Friday. This resource for tennis for young children has been helpful in getting him ready (and equipped) to play!
What have you seen/read/used this week that was shareworthy?
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